Why Pay More?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting the job done. . .

When working at many jobs, as I do -- mystery shopper, writer, artist, respite care worker, Mary Kay lady, volunteer band booster officer, and mother of 5 (Happy Birthday, Ted!) -- sometimes it's hard to stay organized and on task. This is especially difficult when you end up staying up till 3 with parents who are ill and worried, and getting up at 6:45 to get your kids to school. But, what I like to keep in mind is this: this part of my life is a limited time offer. There will be a day when my parents will be without pain and worry, but I will be without their dear presence in my life. There will come a time when my children will be grown and gone, tending to children of their own. As a single parent, I may be all alone, and have no one to need me late at night or early in the morning. Those wee-hour talks with my mother will be over. My 10 year old will be 20 or 30, and not need me to put her hair in a ponytail for her, or help her find a clean shirt. These are the days I will look back on and wish for again.

While you are struggling to make ends meet, or earn more in your life, don't lose sight of what it's ultimately all about: those you love, and who love you. I can live without money, of that I'm sure. I've even done well at it. But, without someone to know, love and serve, life and everything in it is hollow and meaningless.

Today, I went to the Attorney General's office with child support documents to start the ball rolling again, I went on two mystery shops, and I bought my dad a ream of printer paper to pay him back for the ream he lent me. This afternoon, I'll spend a couple of hours with one of my respite care clients. I'm working a lot, but not making enough yet. It seems like slow going right now, but I'd rather go slow than lose sight of all the blessings I am being showered with right now. I know that, no matter what I'll end up with more than

A Million in a Year!

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